A Veterinary Physiotherapist
Currently, the title ‘Animal or Veterinary Physiotherapist’ is not protected by law, which means that anyone, in theory, can call themselves this, regardless of their qualifications. To become a Chartered Physiotherapist, which is protected by law, a three or four year BSc (Hons) or two year MSc Physiotherapy degree at university is undertaken. Veterinary Physiotherapists are Human Physiotherapists who have a specialist interest in animal physiotherapy. After achieving their degree, a postgraduate training programme must be completed which can be in the form of a two or three year Postgraduate Diploma or Masters Degree in Veterinary Physiotherapy.
The benefit of becoming a Human Physiotherapist before specialising in the field of Veterinary Physiotherapy allows the physiotherapist to sensitise their hands and perfect their treatment techniques whilst receiving verbal feedback from their human patients. With this experience, Veterinary Physiotherapists obtain a detailed insight into the identification and treatment of problems in animals, which is imperative when assessing and coordinating a patient-centred treatment plan for your pet, accompanied by the knowledge that they’re not causing any additional pain or harm to them.
By law, Chartered Physiotherapists who are a member of the ‘Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Animal Therapy’ (ACPAT) must obtain veterinary approval to ensure adequate protection of your pet at all times. At Davies Veterinary Specialists, our physiotherapists work closely with our in-house clinical specialists and referring veterinary surgeons along with other paraprofessionals to ensure the best care for your pet.